How did copper coinage arrive in English pockets to complement silver and what can we learn from its introduction?
In this essay, we examine the ‘trimetallic’ initiative operated in India during the early Mughal period.
In this essay, we examine the differences in methodology between Menger and his so-called academic descendants.
How do we find the 'grain mass,' from which silver coins such as the rupee or dollar, are demarcated?
Lecture notes for the New Austrian School's Goldsmiths lecture series held in October 2014. Lecturers: Antal Fekete; Rudolph Fritsch; Peter van Coppenolle and Sandeep Jaitly. Guest lecturers: Simon Baxter; David van der Linden; Dorisz Albrecht and Tamas Barczikay.
Was this 'assignat' of revolutionary France doomed to failure as 'money' from the start? What happens when someone moves wheat from Paris to Bordeaux?
When did we first record the trading of agricultural futures? What can we learn from that in today's context with the nonsense of monetary fiat?
An overview of the birth of 'national debt' and our current situation.
This essay serves those who wish to create their own 'tokens' such as bitcoins or dollars.
Trade today; its distortion under fiat; of 'gaps' and coincidental proposal of 'decipherment' of Indus Saraswati script.
From 'old' to 'new' televisions: investigation into changes in underlying goods making up goods used for a similar purpose.
Mechanical expansion on 'Trade today.' Basis and co-basis.
Production and use of coinage has accompanied growth of civilization but since the birth of surviving coinage starting from c.2,500 years ago, civilization has been far from civil.
‘Monetary fiat’ – subtler than ‘paper money.’ Covert usury/overtly tradable. Feudal estates to mobile apps. Reasoning for ‘state bank.’
In a previous essay, Henry VIII’s ‘fiscal and monetary actions’ were examined. Of more relevance to Americans today would be ‘The Colony of Massachusetts Bay’ and its subsequent debt.
This short piece takes a closer look at current narratives around 'inflation' and 'money printing.' Is everything as it appears to be?
Notes on bill of exchange circulation amongst a horticultural collective: presented in chronological order.
How does 'the council,' with its various 'political agendas,' uphold and fund building of new roads v. maintenance of current ones? This essay expands on th
Motivational preface behind upcoming paper: exchange of quantities against other quantities.